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track cover

By Sean William Calhoun dothemusicything Tumblr YouTube YouTube Protector Previous track by this artist Narrative Command Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Donomon donomon Tumblr Vwigor8us Previous track art by this artist.
Released 8/27/2017.
Duration: 4:13.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Read artist commentary.


Artist commentary:

Sean William Calhoun:

The final boss from )(er Imperious Condescension's perspective - a boss fight cut off abruptly by a katana to the bladder-based aquatic vascular system.


Whew, what a song! Crockercorpse rocks, and I tried to do it justice with a kinda neaon, acidy, Ben Templesmith inspired look. I have her that sort of falling forward, not really quite believing one of these kids actually got the best of her.

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