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By Pascal van den Bos potatoboss Bandcamp potato-jams-94172520 SoundCloud PascalvandenBos YouTube potatomoosik Twitter Tricky Wild Strider Style (Dave's Theme) Previous track by this artist Skeli Games Logo Next track by this artist and GITGOT GITGOTmusic YouTube ProjectRakka Twitter project.rakka Instagram _gitgot Instagram PROJ.RAKKA Linktree A Gust of Dreams (John's Theme) Previous track by this artist.
Released 6/2/2024.
Duration: 5:28.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, or Spotify.


Tracks that Falling off the Planet (Jade's Theme) references:


Don't panic
Don't panic
Don't panic
Don't panic

And you're calling me all manic
As we're falling off the planet
Calling me all manic
As we're falling off the planet

You'll find me running
You'll find me running
You'll find me running
All the time

You'll find me running
You'll find me running
You'll find me running
All the time

And you're calling me all manic
As we're falling off the planet
Calling me all manic
As we're falling off the planet

You'll find me running
You'll find me running
You'll find me running
All the time

You'll find me running
You'll find me running
You'll find me running
All the time

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