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track cover

Album cover for Ithaca

By Michael Guy Bowman bowman Bandcamp YouTube YouTube mguybowman Twitter Other mguybowman Instagram Noun Previous track by this artist Kalesa in Binondo Next track by this artist.
Released 1/1/2012.
Duration: 4:04.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music.

Tracks that reference Ithaca:

From Fandom:
From Beyond:


I spent the best years of my life waiting
For this moment
A time to call my own, a place to call my homeland

It's come here far too soon
I sit around my room
Hatching my plans and schemes I mostly leave forgotten

I spent my longest nights awake wondering through the outside
Amused but still deranged, divided on the inside

Returning to the core
The place I can't ignore
The wonder behind the fear I just can't seem to shake off

To dream or do
To do or die
To sink or fly

To get a clue
To run and hide
To laugh and cry

I turned my back on battles won and sailed to new adventure
The journey made by all, a lonely mortal tenure

To Ithaca I sailed
And though I have not failed
My home is a fleeting camp, the journey's just beginning

I spent the morning hours awake writing down the lyrics
Resolved to get it right - to capture the true spirit

Although I sing along
That moment now has gone
My heart still a restless sea where Ithaca is calling

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