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jane blast off but to the tune of we are number one but in major but with each hey being replaced with ostrichlittledungeon saying nyah but that being overlayed with voice clips from game grumps back when jontron and arin were the two grumps

track cover

By StarlightCalliope the worst song on the soundtrack Previous track by this artist 7 GRAND END Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Shadok YouTube YouTube shadok__ Twitter shadok__ Instagram Tiny Chorale Previous track art by this artist While CaNWC > Homestuck Next track art by this artist.
Released 12/26/2016.
Duration: 0:17.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Read artist commentary.


Tracks that jane blast off but to the tune of we are number one but in major but with each hey being replaced with ostrichlittledungeon saying nyah but that being overlayed with voice clips from game grumps back when jontron and arin were the two grumps references:


(Whaaaaaaat? Baboom!) (Nyah)
(Rocket, to the moon! I got in my spaceship, and it went up, and it- and it went [imitates rocket blasting off].) (Nyah, nyah)
(I was fucking nervous, I got butterflies in my stomach!) (Nyah nyah)

Artist commentary:

StarlightCalliope: (Composer)

I don't know what compelled me to create this track in all honesty. The person that was signed up to do this track apparently hadn't signed themselves up, so I decided to take this spot. A few days prior to me claiming this spot, ost had said, "Nyah," in a really cute voice on their private server, and I had recorded it. I decided to do a full song that would include it. Of course, the nyahs slowly got drowned out as I added more to the song. I remembered that there was a relevant quote from Game Grumps when I was rewatching the flash, and then I overlayed that ontop of the nyahs and We Are Number One that I had put into the project file. All in all, definitely the best song I've ever made.

Shadok: (Artist)

The trickster mode always gave me a powerpuff girls vibe for some reason

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