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Rodeo Clown

track cover

Album cover for Ithaca

By Michael Guy Bowman bowman Bandcamp YouTube YouTube mguybowman Twitter Other mguybowman Instagram Tacit Blue Previous track by this artist Cerulean Skies Next track by this artist.
Released 1/1/2012.
Duration: 4:09.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music.



I'm just a good machine
You turn me on and I'll get by
But you're just like gasoline
You burn right up until you're dry, oh why?

I don't want to have to hold your hand
But you have always been unpredictable, bless your soul
Why can't you see?

You are a rodeo clown
Does that not get you down?
We only keep you around for a laugh
But i just can't help but frown

Do you just like to be hurt?
You see the danger and flirt
And they laugh while you're face down in the dirt

Does that just get you high?
Making a good friend cry
I'd stay but I'm not gonna watch you die

I sometimes envy you
There's magic each time you arrive
But i just can't get into you
You never live you just survive, oh why?

I just want to walk by your side
But you have always walked on the tightest rope
Is there no hope?
Why can't you see?

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