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A City of Black and White

track cover

By Rainy andyomon00 SoundCloud rainywishes Tumblr YouTube YouTube andyomon00 Twitter.
Cover art by Mephi.
Released 12/4/2019.
Duration: 2:57.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, or Spotify.

Read artist commentary.

Tracks that A City of Black and White references:

Artist commentary:

Rainy: (booklet commentary)

For this song, I wanted to make something a little more simple and light-hearted to capture the somewhat silly nature of the carapacians . I've always loved the carapacian city that roxy lived on and the ways the inhabits lived. Not really much else to say on this song. Also keep your ear out for the OAS quote cause I put it in over half of the songs on this album, including this one.

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