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Billy the Bellsuit Diver Has Something to Say

track cover

By Erik Scheele erikscheele Bandcamp erikscheele SoundCloud jitters20 Twitter jitmakesstuff Tumblr Jitmakesstuff YouTube Other Temporal Piano Previous track by this artist Carolmanthetime Next track by this artist.
Released 12/25/2010.
Duration: 3:26.

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Read artist commentary.

Tracks that Billy the Bellsuit Diver Has Something to Say references:

Tracks that reference Billy the Bellsuit Diver Has Something to Say:

From Fandom:


(Billy the Bellsuit Diver here to wish you all... a merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. [muffling] Merry Christmas to you. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you. [fully muffled] Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. [unmuffling] Merry Christmas to you and a happy New Year.)

Artist commentary:

Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley, and Hanna Nakamura: (album audio commentary)

(Continued from The Squiddles Save Christmas)

RJ!: Alright, this song was the original song, the one we had to change the segue for, this song wasn't the song it segues into anymore.
Nick: Yeah, I remember this being the one that I was talking about.
Nick: And then you were like, nope, BirdBroth put something in. Sucks for you.
RJ!: This is Billy the Bellsuit Diver Has Something to Say by...
RJ!: Jeck. Jit. Eric Scheele, I was combining his real name and his forum tag.
RJ!: This is basically just the best thing.
Nick: Eric "Jit" Scheele.
RJ!: Eric "Jit" Scheele.
Nick: Eric "Jit" is the shit.
Nick: It's so early in the morning, I just wanna go to bed.
RJ!: I wonder when Lexxy's gonna get the album art.
Hanna: Aw, go cry some more.
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
RJ!: Merry Christmas to you too, Billy the Bellsuit guy.
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
Nick: Thanks, Billy, you too. I love you, Billy.
RJ!: Billy's just a great guy, you know? He loves everyone.
RJ!: And then his song starts getting--
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
RJ!: Somewhere around...
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
RJ!: Yeah, I think it's this part about.
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
Hanna: Santa doesn't get to sleep.
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
Nick: Thanks, Billy.
Nick: Thanks, Billy...
Nick: Billy, where'd you go?
RJ!: He's still there.
Nick: Come back, Billy.
RJ!: He's just lost in a wash of an 8-bit abyss.
Nick: Oh, that's right, he got thrown into the Minus World from Super Mario Bros.
RJ!: That's what happens when you are underwater for extended periods of time.
Nick: At least he wasn't thrown up so quickly that his face exploded.
RJ!: No, that would be bad.
RJ!: The bends.
RJ!: The 8-bit bends.
Nick: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too, Billy.
Nick: Hey, it's back!
RJ!: It is! And then it goes away again.
RJ!: I think this is probably easily the strangest song on this Christmas album.
Nick: Oh, definitely.
RJ!: I don't think any other song is this weird or strange.
RJ!: Jit's song is-- [unintelligible] pretty normal.
Nick: No doubt about that.
Hanna: Really?

(Continued in Squiddly Night)

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