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Bite the Apple

track cover

By Nice Wizard nicewizard Bandcamp nicewizard SoundCloud Where It Begins. Previous track by this artist What A Hoot Next track by this artist.
Cover art by inimitable-nectar inimitable-nectar Tumblr Dominion Next track art by this artist.
Released 12/15/2013.
Duration: 4:21.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, or SoundCloud.

Read artist commentary.

Artist commentary:

Nice Wizard: (booklet commentary)

Hey there! Bite the Apple is a song about John going from being a goofy kid playing the piano to a goofy kid being launched into SBURB! For me, this was an incredibly refreshing song to write, and I still find it refreshing to listen to! You might even call it... A Breath of fresh Heir. I'm so sorry, I'll never make puns again. Thanks for listening!

Brad Griffin: (booklet editor)

In this piece, John is biting the apple. Clever!

Nice Wizard: (SoundCloud description)

A track about John!

Nice Wizard: (SoundCloud artwork)

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