Diminuendo for Six Voices

By flagellumVagueness
Previous track by this artist.
Cover art by flagellumVagueness.
Released 7/2/2021.
Duration: 2:51.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
Read artist commentary.
Tracks that Diminuendo for Six Voices references: Tracks that this one references:
- Tick by Discfortune
- Tock by Discfortune
- Muse of Nanchos by cookiefonster
- Corrupted Collision by ft-rj
- Revelawesome by Malcolm Brown
Artist commentary:
flagellumVagueness: (Composer)
I think everyone on this team is amazing and I really regret dropping out for 4.5 years like I did. (I especially regret not participating in Call and New, definitely the best album concept there.) At the time I made the excuse that I had to focus on other things, but I think the real reason was that I got scared off at the prospect of having to put more than 2 hours of work into a track, and worried that I'd still be inadequate even if I did work hard on something. I'm especially ashamed that it took the announcement that the team would be ending to really motivate me to make something. Who knows, maybe people will want to make a Volume 4 when (if) o finally releases A5A2. (Or maybe if I start by making a few tracks myself I can get enough support for an Umineko crossover album? That would be nice.) Anyway, about the track itself: it's about the six doomed copies of Hecka Jef that briefly appear in S! VERTICLE MOVEMENTS before Rose shrinks them and throws them into the lava of LODAD. The song has six independent melodies, each pulled from a song related to Hecka Jef, and ends by briefly quoting Revelawesome to represent them being vaporized by Lord English.
flagellumVagueness: (Artist)
Ok so I wanted to have art for my track, but I can't draw, so here's the mockup I made to see if someone else would take up the idea. Hopefully this gives you a good enough idea of what I wanted it to look like that the actual picture appears in your head.