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track cover

By Rowyn Berlan YouTube YouTube rowynberlan SoundCloud RowynBerlan Twitter.
Cover art by Siedlag siedlag Tumblr siedlag Twitter siedlag DeviantArt.
Released 4/13/2020.
Duration: 2:56.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, or Spotify.

Read artist commentary.

Tracks that Heirflow references:

Tracks that Heirflow samples:

Artist commentary:

Rowyn Berlan: (composer, booklet commentary)

One day I was bored and wrote a song. The End... is what I would say if it stopped there, but alas the story continues. That song I wrote ended up becoming the main original melody in Heirflow after I found out that a handful of John motifs complimented it nicely. From there I arranged everything together to the best of my ability by adding distinct sections in between the main melody that introduced the different motifs. I also added an amen break for whatever reason, but it works. This was also my first time heavily using portamento and modulation on my lead which I really like and feel dumb for not diong sooner. Composition wise this might be my favorite song I made on STLaP 3 and I hope to make more songs like it in the future.

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