Additional or alternate names:
- The Real Heroes (contest-submitted name)
By Nathan H.
Red Disc
Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Zilon
Drift into the Sun
Previous track art by this artist.
Released 4/2/2012.
Duration: 2:15.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
Read artist commentary.
Tracks that reference Jade Mother: Tracks that reference this one:
- From Fandom: Tracks that reference this one — from Fandom:
Artist commentary:
Nathan H.: (via early commentary collection)
Inspiration for this piece came after listening to a segment of Hans Zimmer's "Attack" from the Pearl Harbor Soundtrack. I intended for the song to have a 'majestic' tone, but initially couldn't think of a character to set this theme to, so I chose the four beta kids. However, after being reassigned characters I think the piece fits equally well if not better with the Dolorosa.
My submission for the album art contest!! Finished super-late!! YEAH!!!!
I figure if any character would allow me to
- stick symbolism into the piece and
- exploit the "looks good at low effort" methods of stained glass
it's the Dolorosa.
EDIT: LMAO WHOOPS in my relief and panic from finishing barely on time I realized I uploaded the wrong one. And also submitted the wrong one. Guess who has two thumbs and has a good chance of being disqualified!! (this guy.)
At least the brighter version will be on my blog, I think this one looks more like light is actually shining through it.