Midna's Lament

Album cover for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
By The Legend of Zelda
Previous track by this artist
Main Theme - The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
Next track by this artist and Hideaki Kobayashi
The whole new world
Next track by this artist.
Released 12/7/2018.
Duration: 3:02.
This wiki doesn't have any listening links for Midna's Lament.
Tracks that Midna's Lament references: Tracks that this one references:
- Midna's Lament by The Legend of Zelda and Toru Minegishi
- Midna's Theme by The Legend of Zelda and Toru Minegishi
- Ending (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) by The Legend of Zelda and Asuka Ohta
- Light Spirit's Elegy by The Legend of Zelda and Toru Minegishi
- The whole new world by Phantasy Star and Hideaki Kobayashi