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Ruins Rising

track cover

By Michael Guy Bowman bowman Bandcamp YouTube YouTube mguybowman Twitter Other mguybowman Instagram.
Cover art by Raizor meteoraizor Tumblr MeteoRaizor Twitter meteoraizor DeviantArt.
Released 7/14/2011.
Duration: 5:00.

Listen on YouTube.

Read artist commentary.

Tracks that Ruins Rising references:

Artist commentary:

Michael Guy Bowman: (Bowmantown Discord, excerpt)

merger of a lot of different ideas
i used to listen to a lot of beats antique
also frippertronics
the intro is an homage to that technique
doing scratches was fun too
i like to think the myst soundtrack was an influence on it too
really listened to the uru and myst iii soundtracks to death

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