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~~Side 2~~

track cover

By Rowyn Berlan YouTube YouTube rowynberlan SoundCloud RowynBerlan Twitter.
Cover art by animmania Animeshowfan Twitter animeshowfan DeviantArt.
Released 10/25/2019.
Duration: 0:36.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, or Spotify.

Read artist commentary.

Artist commentary:

Rowyn Berlan: (composer, booklet commentary)

This was a quick little song I made right after the original Miasmic Resurrection and it shows. I don't remember much about making this song but it was a fairly smooth process and I messed with panning a bit which is cool lol. In the end it does its job so let's hop into Side 2!!!

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)