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While it Lasted

track cover

Album cover for cool and new volume 3

By Ragzilla Gone Home Previous track by this artist Doctr (feat.) Next track by this artist.
Released 7/2/2021.
Duration: 5:27.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Read artist commentary.

Tracks that While it Lasted references:


(Oh my fucking God I can't believe that this shitty volume has 100 songs. To celebrate, I have decided to share with you a friend's credit score)

(I turned my daddy on, and I s*x more, but punish less, punish less, punish less, punish less)

(Oh boy! A Cool and New Web Comic! I'm gonna start reading right now! Let's see here... next arrow)

(Think you had it for a moment then you lost it)
(Hahaha, oh well, it was nice while it lasted right?)
(Sure, it was nice while it lasted)

Artist commentary:

Ragzilla: (Composer)

Part 2/2. While it lasted is a song I spent a long time getting just right. Wow there are a lot of versions of this song haha. I wanted to capture nostalgia and the feeling of freedom. the first part of the song is a slower, more sad nostalgic feeling. Its meant to capture a feeling of "man, I'm gonna miss doing this. I'm going to miss listening to these." The beginning has some RCT samples, which makes me smile and be sad at the same time. The RCT joke is one of my favorites from CANWC, and is the reason I got hooked on it in the first place. The RCT crowd sample is meant to represent all the people who have read and listened to CANMT/CANWC over the years, ready for one last sendoff. The tempo of the song picks up, and the chords get happier. A drum kicks in that makes the listener think "Hey, it'll all be okay." Then, each following verse between drops has multiple refrences to other iconic music from CANWC. This is meant to represent the listener going back and remember the good times they had laughing, and listening to the music from this project. It all comes together in a dancy, happy, but nostalgic tone. The very last section of the song has the "listener" rewind the CANWC tape, turn off the lights and shut the door on the whole project, to come back to, and listen and laugh again another day.

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