Echidna: Of Fates and Choices
Lanzado el 19/11/2023.
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Pistas que Echidna: Of Fates and Choices incluye:
- Austin, Atlantis by Clark Powell
- Galactic Cancer by Thomas Ferkol
- Red Disc by Nathan H.
- Homestuck by Mark J. Hadley
- Ruins Rising by Michael Guy Bowman
- Pilot Light by Thomas Ibarra
- Ichellor Ichellor YouTube TheIchellor Twitter (animation, models, direction)
- Luka (additional help)
- EnergyDrvnk energydrvnk Newgrounds (additional help)
- Alice Flare AliceFlare YouTube AliceInAltoland Twitter mermaidmelodymagic Instagram aliceflare Twitch aliceflare Ko-fi aliceflare Carrd (Echidna voice)
- garbageGothic garbageGothic YouTube Garbagegothic Twitter (Jade voice)