
Por Wights End
Previo pista por este artista.
Carátula por InkyKnight
Previo arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 31/12/2024.
Duración: 3:12.
Escucha en Bandcamp.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Comentario del artista:
Wights End, Pikarai, Finchlet, Witch's Cadence, Finchlet, leiirue, Nevermind3476 y Nights: (YouTube premiere live chat)
Wights End: oh hey that's me
Pikarai: ooooooooo
Witch's Cadence: Now time for wight to make everyone ascend
Finchlet: @Wights End thanks for the music
leiirue: i havebnt heard this one..
Wights End:leiirue: inky dont be goated challenge
leiirue: FAILEDWitch's Cadence: I don't think wight ever posted wips of this but I'm not sure
Wights End: This was me attempting to write a synthwave song with nothing but NES VST and stock FL effects plugins
Pikarai: i really like this
Pikarai: lowkey celeste vibes
Wights End: I made it in like, 2 hours so there never were any WIPs lol
Witch's Cadence: lol
Nevermind: this ones relatively recent too
Nevermind: ah that explains it
Finchlet: wight the musical genius
Rainer: you failed at making synthwave but did pretty great at making chiptuneNights: This was a strong contender for my fav of the album, alongside Cryocide
Witch's Cadence: is this the last song made for the album?
Witch's Cadence: not on it
Witch's Cadence: but made for it
leiirue: yes
leiirue: i think so
leiirue: it is the last one on it too :)
Nights: Yeah :]
Nights: No more musiuc after this
Nevermind: yeah the album ends here
Nevermind: been fun guysWitch's Cadence: I want you to now imagine that aria and five are doing the little dance where you point down and then back up
Witch's Cadence: bam
Witch's Cadence: now you can't unsee it
Nevermind: aughghgh
Nevermind: i dont even know what dance you're actually talking about
Nevermind: but they're still moving now somehow
Witch's Cadence: lol
Nights: So beautiful but I want to say
Nights: It reminded me of minecraft slightly at the end thereWitch's Cadence: would be crazy
Witch's Cadence: if there
Witch's Cadence: was just
Witch's Cadence: one last one. . .