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Automated Answering Service

track cover

Album cover for Autumn Every Day

By Jamie Paige Other jamiepaige Bandcamp jamieirl SoundCloud JamiePaigeIRL YouTube Spotify Spotify pamiejaige Twitter paisleypudge Twitter paisleypudge Tumblr Pseudumbra Phauxtasm Previous track by this artist A Repetition Next track by this artist.
Released 9/22/2017.
Duration: 1:09.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music.



"Thank you for calling the Helltime automated answering service. Para continuar en español, presiona el numero cinco. If you're gay, please press one. If you're straight, please hang up-" beep "-the phone. Please wait while we transfer your call."
"For quality control, your call may be recorded or monitored. Your call is very important to us, and will be answered in the order received. You are currently: third, in line. Estimated wait time is: less than thirty seconds."

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