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Broom Temperature

track cover

Album cover for THE GRUBBLES

By James Roach hames Bandcamp jamesroachmusic SoundCloud YouTube YouTube hamesatron Twitter The Witch's Quest Previous track by this artist Frondly Warning Next track by this artist.
Released 9/14/2017.
Duration: 1:58.

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[Drop to your knees, but come back up swingin'
Not just a broom but the truth that we're slingin'
Low and diiiirtyyy
Show y'all how to bring the hurt we
Have been hurt oftennnn

About now, I bet you're askin'
Who are these punks?
Or maybe you think we should fetch you a drink?
Well in low-blood fashion you can suck my chitin chunk

Dammek is bronze and burnished
I'm just the rust
Try to test our mettle, and when the dust settles
Your regret will be earnest and your blood spilled to stain the dust

Drop to your knees, but come back up swingin'
Not just a broom but the truth that we're slingin'
Drop to your knees, but come back up swingin'
Not just a broom but the truth that we're slingin'
Low and diiiirtyyy
Show y'all how to bring the hurt we
Have been hurt by highbloods

Blood boils
Blood boils

Drop to your knees, but come back up swingin'
Not just a broom but the truth that we're slingin'
Drop to your knees, but come back up swingin'
Not just a broom but the truth that we're slingin'
Low and diiiirtyyy
Show y'all how to bring the hurt we-]

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