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Frondly Warning

track cover

Album cover for THE GRUBBLES

By James Roach hames Bandcamp jamesroachmusic SoundCloud YouTube YouTube hamesatron Twitter Broom Temperature Previous track by this artist Ghost Mound Next track by this artist.
Released 9/14/2017.
Duration: 2:19.

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[You pose, all gold and gleaming
A ten dressed to the nines
Spongeclots deaf to our screaming
And to the changing times

Stay swimming in your mentions
Too cold to feel what's coming
Why do we mask intentions?
All you hear is drumming, drumming

Drumming, drumming, drumming, drumming
Drumming, drumming, drumming
Drumming, drumming, drumming, drumming
Drumming, drumming, drumming

Don't bother looking for us
As if you even would
Just jam out to the chorus
As if you understood

We sing a song of freedom
The best track is the last
Liner notes, hey did you read 'em?
We sang your epitaph

Blood boils, blood boils
Blood boils, blood boils
Blood boils, blood boils
Blood boils, blood boils

Baby queen of calamari
Gonna fry and dip you
Way too late to say you're sorry
Way too late to fix you]

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