clownman's credit score

By olkiswerve
Bro - Gameabout
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Released 9/23/2016.
Duration: 1:58.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
Tracks that clownman's credit score references: Tracks that this one references:
Tracks that clownman's credit score samples: Tracks that this one samples:
Thinking of a number
Between my buttocks
Do you know what it is?
It's my credit score
And it happens to be 720
The higher the better
I'm thinking of a number
between 450 and 850
You know what it is?
It happens to be 720
Which is my free credit score
This number is between my buttocks
This number I'm thinking is between 450 and 850
The higher this number it is, the better chance I have at saving a lot of money
But the number is between my buttocks
Do you know what number it is?
It happens to be between 450 and 850
And the number --- is betw--- tween my buttocks
The number is 720
But do you know what number I'm thinking of?
I'm thinking of a number betw--
-tween my buttocks
It hap-- ppens to be between 450 and 80
and it could save me a lot of money the higher it is
Fortunately that number is 720
which is a number-
450 and 850
This number between 450 and 850 happens to be between my buttocks