Skaian Dreamers
By Difarem
Cover art by Chumi
Released 9/9/2017.
Duration: 2:27.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
Read artist commentary.
Artist commentary:
Difarem: (composer, booklet commentary)
This track has quite the story! It was originally meant to be fake "loading screen" music, to accompany a parodic video on the Cool and New Music Team youtube channel about Overseer v3 (a web-based sburb web game, whose development team I used to be part of) being shut down by What Pumpkin (though the C&D was later found out to be fake). The project fell through, so I continued working on it and posted it on the LOFAM Discord server, where it got approved (thanks Lambda), though the deadline had technically passed.
Chumi: (track artist, booklet commentary)
it sounds like a song for the beginning of a cool adventure! so that's what i drew :o