Unholy Grudge

By Witch's Cadence
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Cover art by Nevermind3476
Crystalline Aurora
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Released 12/31/2024.
Duration: 3:34.
Listen on Bandcamp.
Read artist commentary.
Read crediting sources.
Tracks that Unholy Grudge references: Tracks that this one references:
- Big Bird Ate Grandma! by Witch's Cadence
- Kaji's Theme by Ray Mike
- Brought This (Upon Yourself) by Nights
- Corona by Ray Mike
- Yellow and Purple by Nights
Tracks that reference Unholy Grudge: Tracks that reference this one:
Artist commentary:
Witch's Cadence, Nevermind3476, Nights, Wights End, Finchlet, and leiirue: (YouTube premiere live chat)
Witch's Cadence: oh hey that's my old ass song lmaooooo
Nevermind: AH M Y ART JUMPSCARENights: GOOD music incoming
Wights End: is this from 2023?
Witch's Cadence: It might be from 2023 I can't remember lmao
Nevermind: theres definitely some songs on here from 2023 yeah
Finchlet: lol, most of mine here are from 2023
leiirue: some of my art on here are from 2023Nights: Art very nice for the song, also
Nevermind: thank you nightss....Witch's Cadence: Also this songs art parallels another song that is honestly like 20xs better then mine which is really cool
Nevermind: yeaah its kinda funny how the parallel ended up backwards in the album from how the arts were actually drawn
Witch's Cadence: (HSMusic Discord re: pair artworks, excerpt)
I still think it's so cool
The order of it all is wacky lmao
- I make Unholy Grudge
- Neivei makes Cryocide and references unholy grudge
- Leiirue makes the art for cryocide
- Nevermind references the art in their art for Unholy Grudge
Just funny how that worked out
Crediting sources:
Witch's Cadence: (HSMusic Discord, excerpt)
Unholy Grudge Motifs:
- Kaji's Theme (0:55)
- Brought This (Upon Yourself) (1:33)
- Corona (1:33)
- Oceanfalls (1:55)
Oceanfalls https://nightslights.bandcamp.com/track/yellow-and-purple (1:55)
Lan: Is this url an error?Nope
That's just where the oceanfalls motif shows up first
lolI don't think we know which track it actually originated from because nights wasn't really trying to include it in her tracks I think
It's just a little riff she used to do commonly
Witch's Cadence: (HSMusic Discord, excerpt)
Lan: From timestamps 0:36–0:55 when Kaji's Theme comes in, I'm sure I recognize this - I think as the main theme in Judgement By Genocide, but I'm not sure whether it originated in that track, or if it's maybe like, already represented by the refs you listed here?
Or rather, I guess Unholy Grudge is a probably earlier-on track, so maybe it originated -here- rather than Judgement By Genocide?
Yeah I forgot about that
I put it in unholy grudge first lmaoooAgain, it's original debut was "Big Bird Ate Grandma"
But that's already on the wiki