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Love Letters

album cover

Cover art by Circlejourney circlejourney Bandcamp circlejourney SoundCloud Circlejourney YouTube circlejourneyart Tumblr circlejourney Twitter Other machinasolis SoundCloud.
Released 4/15/2024.
Duration: ~12:10.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube (playlist), Spotify, or Apple Music.

View commentary page!

  1. (3:43) Return to Sender
  2. (4:27) Lost in Transmission
  3. (4:00) Signal Flare

Added to wiki 6/12/2024.

Artist commentary:

Circlejourney: (Bandcamp about blurb)

Three songs about three times I was in love.

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)