Foresight & Retrospect

Por Wights End
Carátula por Wights End
Megalovania FUSION COLLABORATION the hit song by toby "dont call me radiation" fox off the hiveswap soundtrack ft silver gunner and james roach
Previo banner del álbum por este artista.
Lanzado el 1/9/2024.
Duración: ~33:18.
Escucha en Bandcamp, YouTube (álbum completo), YouTube (lista de reproducción), Spotify o Apple Music.
Véase archivos adicionales.
¡Véase página de comentario!
- (1:03) Foresight
- (4:44) L00M1NG
- (2:56) An Unforetold Return
- (2:44) Fealty
- (2:40) Black Cat
- (2:11) Pushing Papers
- (0:46) Intermission
- (3:22) Aeris Manus
- (4:10) Face the Fictitious
- (7:06) Rondo of the Crimson Prince
- (1:36) Retrospect
Añadido a la wiki el 29/1/2025.
Véase o descarge archivos adicionales:
Commentary booklet
- Composer commentary booklet, exported from the Google Doc linked by the Bandcamp about blurb.
- Track Commentary.pdf (24.3 kB)
Comentario del artista:
Nights: (Bandcamp about blurb / YouTube description, excerpt)
Oceanfables: Foresight & Retrospect is a solo album by Wights End, featuring 11 original tracks based on the characters and story of the webcomic Oceanfalls. The gorgeous cover illustration is also made by Wights End.
Get the musician's (Wights End) commentary on the production of this album & its tracks here.
Nights: (Bandcamp credits blurb)
Album, music and artwork by Wights End