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Monobrow ha contribuido ~12:31 minutos de música compartido en este wiki.
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (Sorting by count.)
Official Discography (2 pistas)
Fandom (1 pista)
The Paradox Music Team (1 pista)
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (Sorting by duration.)
Official Discography (8:44)
Fandom (3:47)
The Paradox Music Team (3:47)
- coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B (13/4/2012; 5:58)
- (5:58) Green Ghost
- Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes 2 (13/4/2019; 3:47)
- (3:47) Play the Rain
- Beyond Canon (13/4/2020; 2:46)
- (2:46) eleventh hour
- coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B
- Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes 2
- Play the Rain (composer, booklet commentary)