An Unforetold Return

Por Wights End
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Lanzado el 1/9/2024.
Duración: 2:56.
Escucha en Bandcamp, YouTube, Spotify o Apple Music.
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Comentario del artista:
Wights End: (booklet commentary)
This track I wrote way back in 2019 and never got around to publishing. The song is pretty shamelessly inspired by some of Joren "Tensei" De Bruin's work (but with the twist of being synth centric) which is why I've been so hesitant to release it, but at the end of the day, it wasn't doing any good burning a hole in my harddrive. I now associate this song with the Unforeseen, but coincidentally the title kind of reflects the track itself in a way.
Wights End y Nights: (YouTUbe premiere live chat)
Wights End: this one I wrote back in 2018 I think and never ended up doing anything with it
Wights End: uhh, the album has been in the works proper for a little over a year? some of these tracks started well before then
nights: I was thinking all along "what if this is theorizer music"
But Ive never ever seen wight make a theory everWights End: maybe... whos to say? (me. I am to say)