
Por Wights End
An Unforetold Return
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Black Cat
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Lanzado el 1/9/2024.
Duración: 2:44.
Escucha en Bandcamp, YouTube, Spotify o Apple Music.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Pistas que Fealty referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- Rozepiano por Nights
- Right Hand por Nights
Comentario del artista:
Wights End: (booklet commentary)
This song was born from me smashing the motifs from Right Hand and Rainfalls together like barbie dolls and saying “now kiss.” Much to my surprise it worked way better than I expected, so I expanded it into a whole song.
Wights End y Nights: (YouTube premiere live chat)
nights: This jumpscared me
Because I was like why is it familiarWights End: Rainfalls over the rhythm part to Right Hand
but swungnights: Hoooow the heck
monoGod: wait os this the same leitmotif in rainfall or am i confusing that with a different song
NyarVAthotep: ya this is rainfalls
Wights End: yep, that's rainfalls motif
nights: Wight made this to specifically do something to my mind
Wights End: lol
NyarVAthotep: *me walking outside* yeah. thats rainfalls.
Wights End: *me when rainer trips* yeah, that's rainfalls