Garden of Eden (Part 1)

Por Veritas Unae
˚ Disk 2 ˚
Previo pista por este artista
Garden of Eden (Part 2)
Siguiente pista por este artista y David Ellis
An Uncertain Venture
Previo pista por este artista
Garden of Eden (Part 2)
Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por azuzatori
Garden of Eden (Part 2)
Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 15/12/2013.
Duración: 8:15.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Pistas que Garden of Eden (Part 1) referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- Eden por James Dever
- psych0ruins por Toby Fox
- Doctor por Buzinkai y Clark Powell
- Savior of the Dreaming Dead por Malcolm Brown
- Sburban Jungle por Michael Guy Bowman
- Growing Up por Eston Schweickart
- Flare por Clark Powell
- Showtime (Piano Refrain) por Kevin Regamey
- Heir Conditioning por Tensei
- Dawn of Man por Michael Guy Bowman
- Cascade (Beta) por Tensei
- Liquid Negrocity por Toby Fox
- Ruins por Erik Scheele
- Black Rose / Green Sun por Malcolm Brown
Pistas que referencian Garden of Eden (Part 1): Pistas que hacen referencia a esta:
- De Fandom: Pistas de Fandom que hacen referencia a esta:
Comentario del artista:
Veritas Unae: (composer, booklet commentary)
Wow. This piece was a huge undertaking that started back when I first played Eden sometime... last year I think? I really connected with James's piece, so much so that I made sure to let him know (and continue to let him know) how easy and intuitive it felt to play. I experimented with it, transitioning into psych0ruins, and then into Doctor. Being heavily inspired by Konec0's dance medleys, I thought to extend the piece, and extended it I did. Up until the Walk Stab Walk / Earthsea Borealis section was all ad lib'd on my piano, as I picked pieces I thought I could move between, and beyond there I wrote original scores straight into Sibelius which I could barely dream of playing. This piece developed into what you hear today, including the seret ending! I hope it moves you, as all of Homestuck's music has moved me. Enjoy listening to this 31 song medley! Some day I'll learn to play it.
A 'quick' fact, I had planned to continue the Killed By 8r8k Spider section through over the top of the Unite Synchronization ostinato, but when I played back the section after the high G, stacatto F into the ostinato, I felt a powerful urge to just get straight back into the final version of Eden, which was written on whim straight into that 4/4 pattern and more fluidly in B minor. It feels like a new life has been breathed into Eden because of it, and I'm so happy to be the man to have done it!
azuzatori: (track artist)
scoot did piano
i drew piano
Full Song Credits
Eden - James Dever
Psych0ruins - Toby "Radiation" Fox
Doctor - Buzinkai
Savior of the Dreaming Dead - Malcolm Brown
Sburban Jungle - Michael Guy Bowman
Lotus - Seth Peelle
Growing Up - Eston "silence" Schweickart
Flare - Clark "Plazmataz" Powell
Showtime - Malcolm Brown
Heir Conditioning - Joren "Tensei" de Bruin
Dawn of Man - Michael Guy Bowman (+ Sburban Jungle)
Cascade - Joren "Tensei" de Bruin
Liquid Negrocity - Toby "Radiation" Fox
Ruins (With String) - Erik "Jit" Scheele
Black Rose / Green Sun - Malcolm Brown(Continued in Part 2)