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carátula de la pista

carátula de la pista

Por Toby Fox ( Bandcamp , Twitter y Externo ( ).
Lanzado el 31/10/2009.
Duración: 3:18.

Escucha en YouTube.

Read artist commentary.

Pistas que Synchronicity referencia:

Comentario del artista:

Toby Fox:

The song it plays at the beginning and when you go into the sewers. Although you would never know it, this song is a direct rip of "Synchronicity" from Brandish 2, which is a fantastic song. It took forever to get just perfect, I think it's the longest song it took me to compose because it had a lot of bugs when played in the actual game and plus if you didn't realize it's actually a minute and thirty seconds long... hahaha! I don't like my own arrangement too much (it's okay, good for EB I guess) but I love the game it comes from and its music so it's fine. Sort of another themesong for the game for me.

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