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Doctor (Deep Breeze Mix)

track cover

By Solatrus solatrus Bandcamp solatrus SoundCloud Solatrus Twitter Requiem for an Exile Previous track by this artist Hallowed Halls Next track by this artist.
Cover art by august.
Released 7/30/2011.
Duration: 4:36.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Read artist commentary.

Tracks that Doctor (Deep Breeze Mix) references:

Artist commentary:

Solatrus: (booklet commentary)

I started reading Homestuck in mid January of 2010, but never really found myself absolutely hooked. So, I really took my time getting through it, especially Acts 1 and 2.

By the time I had gotten to the start of Act 4, I was a month behind in the story. However, just hearing Doctor for the first time completely blew me away, as I'm quite sure MANY fans reacted. The first thing I did? Started making a fan remix. I didn't want to work on it for too long, but I figured I should register and post what I had on the MSPA Forums. It was called a "First Pwnst" by Dacen, and brought the Music Team's very own Perry Sullivan (perrybob) "to tears." I ended up finishing up the track about a week and a half later, but the release you hear on this album is an improved edit and remaster.

Deep Breeze Mix turned more heads than I had expected it to, and is one of the reasons (with the other being another fan remix-turned official remix) I now am humbly and proudly on the Music Team.

Credit to AndrewNeo of for the track's name.

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