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track cover

By Mark J. Hadley parsecproductions Bandcamp YouTube YouTube AgentParsec Twitter agentparsec Tumblr Other Aggrieve Previous track by this artist Skies of Skaia Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Homestuck Showtime (Imp Strife Mix) Previous track art by this artist Skies of Skaia Next track art by this artist.
Released 8/9/2009.
Duration: 1:24.

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Read artist commentary.

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Artist commentary:

Mark J. Hadley: (via early commentary collection)

A "Harlequin" remix obviously. In order to give it an old-timey feel, I used sounds of a saloon piano and a muted trumpet. Once it was done, I ran it through a filter to make it sound... less good (pitch warping and reducing the bass) and added a loop of some vinyl pops and cracks. For the soundtrack version, I added the needle coming down onto the record at the beginning, and then I thought it would be fun to end it by having the record skip before the needle is pulled off the record. Needless to say, this was fun to make.

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)