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Pony Chorale

track cover

By Michael Guy Bowman bowman Bandcamp YouTube YouTube mguybowman Twitter Other mguybowman Instagram Chorale for Jaspers Previous track by this artist Lunar Eclipse Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Homestuck Chorale for Jaspers Previous track art by this artist Three in the Morning Next track art by this artist.
Released 12/15/2009.
Duration: 1:03.

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Artist commentary:

Michael Guy Bowman: (composer, from Music and Stuff)

My signature efforts from this album, of course, are "Chorale for Jaspers" and its corollary (or chorale-ary?) "Pony Chorale". They were the first two Homestuck tracks to feature vocals with me as the cat and Tavia as Maplehoof - for this I am proud.

Michael Guy Bowman: (Michael Guy Bowman Talks About His Homestuck Music, adapted to text)

And of course, on Pony Chorale, the little secret page where Rose is riding on Maplehoof I guess, we snuck in a little "neigh" in there as well.

I was a big fan of KC Green and Gunshow, that was another webcomic that was going at the time, and I remember going to an independent press expo in Austin that was called "Staple!". KC Green happened to be there; I don't know if he was promoting anything, or if he was just hanging out. I touched base with him briefly and he said that was his favorite thing from Homestuck, which, uh, I'll feel free to brag about, because... y'know. I loved that comic when it came out, and I can't believe he was, like, that into the pony music. (laugh)

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