A Fashionable Escape

By Yan Rodriguez
Midnight Spider
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Cover art by melodiousDiscord
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Released 7/30/2011.
Duration: 3:43.
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Read artist commentary.
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Artist commentary:
Yan Rodriguez: (booklet commentary)
Ah this is one of those songs I'm particularly proud of for making. It was for this AU thing I was doing, in which Kanaya Maryam was a super secret spy having to break into the Big Boss Sollux's base with Karkat as an informer. That didn't pan out though, but I still managed to make this beauty. It's heavily, heavily inspired by Yoko Kanno, my favorite composer. The idea is that the first half is when she's sneaking about going through, knowing that this is important, THIS IS SERIOUS, and she can't risk it here. She stumbles upon a computer, with a typewriter as a keyboard for whatever reason, and then the alarm goes off she gets caught and the big bad chase action scene starts. I had worked on it for about a month, and I kept losing progress because of crashes, but Silence convinced me to finish it, and boy am I glad he did.
melodiousDiscord: (booklet commentary)
A nice, simple piece. Fashion in Homestuck is associated with Kanaya in my mind so I came up with the idea of Kanaya seeking to escape something, and then halfway through the song the klaxon alarm kicks in. Thus we get this piece of art.