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Aeris Manus

track cover

Album cover for Foresight & Retrospect

By Wights End opscat-productions SoundCloud OpsCatProductions YouTube Intermission Previous track by this artist Face the Fictitious Next track by this artist.
Released 9/1/2024.
Duration: 3:22.

Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music.

Read artist commentary.

Tracks that reference Aeris Manus:

From Beyond:

Artist commentary:

Wights End: (booklet commentary)

I wrote the main bass riff of this song to play on my actual bass guitar with the intention of playing all the parts of the song on real instruments. After fighting with it for a bit, I opted to swap all the instruments to Megaman X samples which gave me a lot more flexibility with the writing process and also it felt thematically relevant for a Reed track.

Wights End and Nights: (YouTube premiere live chat)

nights: I'm really curious if you had specific things or scenes from the comic as inspiration for making some of these

Wights End: When writing music I sometimes do, but I don't think I did with anything on this album. I mean, aside from Solis doing taxes I guess lol.

Like, I had ideas of how the tracks could be used I suppose, but nothing super specific

nights: That checks out. You doing your own thing works very well

Wights End: That said, I am often thinking about characters when I do tracks. This one is very much a reed track which inspired the bass groove and megaman samples

nights: I WAS thinking Reed this whole time
He's just monpolized that sort of thing lol?

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