
By Ephemerald
Mx. Misery
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Cover art by captkirkland
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Released 3/22/2023.
Duration: 9:20.
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- SplitSuns splitsuns SoundCloud ← Parasitic Host Previous track contribution by this artist (mixing)
Tracks that Analemma references: Tracks that this one references:
- 9:25 by Global Communication
- Rush Job by Sheena Ringo
- Go With The Flow by Queens of the Stone Age
- Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
- dream tape by FM Skyline
- The Choir Invisible by Chris Christodoulou
- Replica by Oneohtrix Point Never
- Intro by Minecraft and C418
- Reach for the Dead by Boards of Canada
- Soul Scour by Higurashi When They Cry and Dai
- I am now alone by death's dynamic shroud
- USA II: The Great American Desert by Dan Deacon
- data.vortex by Ryoji Ikeda
- CD Factory by death's dynamic shroud
- Last Time I Saw You by Skyramps
- Does it Look Like I'm Here? by Emeralds
- Famous Prophets (Stars) by Car Seat Headrest
- Mouse Trap by Ride
- Festival of the Dark by Kikuo
- No Surrender by Andy Stott
- Feedbacker, Pt. 4 by Boris
- loather by goreshit
- Opening The Mouth by Boards of Canada
- Providence by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
- One by Disasterpeace
- Welcome to the Machine by Pink Floyd
- information by Chuck Person
- The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails
- The Universe is Before You by The Floor is Jelly and Disasterpeace
- Somebody Home by death's dynamic shroud
- someone else by father2006
- Transmission 3 by DJ Shadow
- I Have a Special Plan for This World by Current 93
- Commercial Break by SplitSuns
Artist commentary:
There are many who have designs upon this world And dream of wild and vast reformations I have heard them talking in their sleep Of elegant mutations And cunning annihilations I have heard them whispering in the corners of crooked houses And in the alleys and narrow back streets of this crooked creaking universe Which they, with their new designs, would make straight and sound But each of these new and ill-conceived designs Is deranged in its heart For they see this world as if it were alone and original And not as only one of countless others Whose nightmares all proceed Like a hideous garden grown from a single seed I have heard these dreamers talking in their sleep And I stand waiting for them As at the top of a darkened flight of stairs They know nothing of me And none of the secrets of my special plan While I know every crooked creaking step of theirs