Distortion Navigator

By Caelan Kier
Apple Music
Apple Music
Celestic Aviators
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Cover art by starcrossedAnalyst
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Released 4/13/2019.
Duration: 4:14.
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Artist commentary:
Caelan Kier: (composer, booklet commentary)
So this was made back when AHaM was being made, pretty close to it being released the guy who was making the Sollux song didn't finish it for reasons I can't be bothered remembering, and since the position for the Sollux song was open I was like "damn I wanna do the Sollux song because Sollux is cool". So I made the first melody you hear in Distortion Navigator, but before I could do anymore we had to release the album like right then and there, so I didn't get to finish it. Then I just turned it into the full Sollux song I wanted back then and released it here on STLaP 2 instead.