Rigid Reflex

By Witch's Cadence
Previous track by this artist
Myosotis in the Wind
Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Leonard826
Winter Battle
Previous track art by this artist
Suvillan's Giant Spiralling Tower
Next track art by this artist.
Released 12/31/2024.
Duration: 3:25.
Listen on Bandcamp.
Read artist commentary.
Read crediting sources.
Tracks that Rigid Reflex references: Tracks that this one references:
- Sovereign Domain by Wights End
- Yellow and Purple by Nights
- Know Thyself by keyboard cait
- Myosotis in the Wind by Witch's Cadence
Tracks that reference Rigid Reflex: Tracks that reference this one:
- From Beyond: Tracks that reference this one — from Beyond:
Artist commentary:
Witch's Cadence, Leonard826, Nights, Pikarai, Neivei, Nevermind3476, leiirue, and Finchlet: (YouTube premiere live chat)
Fan: oh sh
Witch's Cadence: This one is interesting lol
Pikarai: oh swag?? swagged up?
Neivei: peakPikarai: we got the suvi strings in the back as well
Pikarai: i really like the horn + hand coming over the border
Nevermind: yeah this art is peakNevermind: HARPSICHORD HELL EYAH
leiirue: peakNights: I am so happy this exists because I love that Suvi motif from Witch's album
Nights: Please keep using the motif
Witch's Cadence: (it's from wight originally)
Finchlet: everyone forgetting about sovereign domain 😭
Finchlet: lmao
Witch's Cadence: Yeah lmao
Nights: Oh! Is it from the Vol 2 song
Nights: I hadn't listendd to that in so long, I guess I associated it more with Witch's
Witch's Cadence: Yea I just developed the little motif to be more melodic
Witch's Cadence: also
Nights: Thanks wight for the motif
Finchlet: witch stole the motif
Witch's Cadence: this is where that developed version of wights motif came from
Witch's Cadence: Not my solo album
Nevermind: because this album is all SO OLD
Nevermind: aaa
Witch's Cadence: So it goes
Witch's Cadence: sovereign domain -> Rigid Reflex -> that one song from my solo
Pikarai: this album really got like
Pikarai: development hell'dNights: I also really love this art
leiirue: FR
leiirue: all the art is so goodNevermind: thank you to all artists for pulling through on this finally 🙏
Nevermind: especially fan here
Pikarai: ripped from the depths of art hell
Nevermind: this was the last art done for the album, fun fact
Pikarai: we thank you for your service
Geopixii: o7
leiirue: another kept complaining to me that the album woudlnt release everNights: Was it your idea to have this as Nino v. Suvillan specifically, Witch?
Witch's Cadence: Yeah p much
Witch's Cadence: The intro crash sound is where I imagined nino crashing through a stained glass window to fight him (and then fucking dies because oww glass ouchie owww)Finchlet: @Witch's Cadence thanks for the song
Witch's Cadence: you welcome @Finchlet
Crediting sources:
Witch's Cadence: (HSMusic Discord, excerpt)
Rigid Reflex Motifs:
- Sovereign Domain (0:00)
- Oceanfalls (0:08)
- Know Thyself (0:35)
- Myosotis in the Wind (1:05)