Additional or alternate names:
- Heirstrike (contest-submitted name)
By Willow Ascenzo
Teal Hunter
Previous track by this artist
Next track by this artist.
Cover art by rumminov
The Lyrist
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Released 4/2/2012.
Duration: 2:45.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
Read artist commentary.
Also released as:
Tracks that Violet Mariner references: Tracks that this one references:
Tracks that reference Violet Mariner: Tracks that reference this one:
- From Fandom: Tracks that reference this one — from Fandom:
Artist commentary:
Let's talk about Violet Mariner.
I tend to listen to the kind of music I like to compose and compose the kind of music I like to listen to. Before I started composing this song I listened to a shit-ton of battle music from Koh Otani's Shadow of the Colossus soundtrack, and it shows. Oh, boy, does it show, especially from 0:49 onward with the rhythm and percussion of the piece.
Violet Mariner was the first song I started working on for the Homestuck music contest that eventually became the coloUrs and mayhem dual album. It's a song about Dualscar—but it wasn't always a song about Dualscar. No, it started out as a song about John. This explains the harp/piano section, which plays with the opening melody to Showtime, vaguely darting near it without ever actually producing the exact notes from Malcolm Brown's original song. I intended it to be more of a hint of John's original strife theme than a direct reference. In hindsight, keeping the references to existing Homestuck leitmotifs subtle was a smart idea. If I'd been more overt in my references and just made it a straight-up Doctor remix or an explicit arrangement of Showtime, it would have been really hard to reallocate it to a different character. And I'm happy that Violet Mariner is a Dualscar song. Dualscar needs more songs. And also it gave Radiation an excuse to almost name it "Violet Seaman". And besides, it means I still technically haven't used the original title, Heirstrike, yet.
Stay tuned for Teal Hunter commentary on Wednesday!