
Carátula por Hanni Brosh
Fondo por Hanni Brosh
DeviantArt (+ edicionesEdiciones para la wikia por Niklink).
Arte de banner por Hanni Brosh
DeviantArt (+ edicionesEdiciones para la wikia por Niklink).
Lanzado el 14/3/2011.
Duración: ~1:13:55.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube (lista de reproducción).
Véase archivos adicionales.
¡Véase pagina de galeria o pagina de comentario!
- Main album: (~1:00:38) Main album:
- (2:55) Arisen Anew por Tensei
- (1:58) Karkat's Theme por Toby Fox
- (2:45) Trollcops por Erik Scheele
- (2:48) BL1ND JUST1C3 : 1NV3ST1G4T1ON !! por Malcolm Brown
- (2:16) Terezi's Theme por Toby Fox
- (4:04) Dreamers and The Dead por Thomas Ferkol
- (1:43) Vriska's Theme por Toby Fox
- (3:05) She's a Sp8der por Tensei
- (1:43) FIDUSPAWN, GO! por David Ko y Toby Fox
- (2:07) Darling Kanaya por Toby Fox
- (2:44) Requiem Of Sunshine And Rainbows por Paige Turner
- (2:41) Eridan's Theme por Toby Fox
- (1:50) Nautical Nightmare por Toby Fox
- (1:32) Nepeta's Theme por Toby Fox
- (3:23) Horschestra STRONG Version por Alex Rosetti
- (2:30) Blackest Heart (With Honks) por Toby Fox
- (1:50) Midnight Calliope por Mark J. Hadley
- (2:34) Chaotic Strength por Thomas Ferkol
- (1:14) Trollian Standoff por Tensei
- (6:39) Rex Duodecim Angelus por Malcolm Brown
- (4:20) Killed by BR8K Spider!!!!!!!! por Toby Fox
- (3:57) Alternia por Seth Peelle
- Bonus tracks: (~13:17) Bonus tracks:
- (2:59) Trollcops (Radio Play) por Erik Scheele y Nick Smalley
- (1:58) Catapult Capuchin por Toby Fox
- (3:06) Science Seahorse por Toby Fox
- (1:37) A Fairy Battle por Toby Fox
- (3:00) The Blind Prophet por Toby Fox
- (0:20) AlterniaBound por Toby Fox
- (0:08) You Won A Combat por Toby Fox
- (0:09) Rest A While por Toby Fox
Añadido a la wiki el 15/11/2019.
Véase o descarge archivos adicionales:
Album booklet
- Credit and commentary booklet, included with the album download.
- AlterniaBound_Commentary.pdf (555.1 kB)
Bandcamp banner
- banner.jpg (44 kB)
Comentario del artista:
Toby Fox: (booklet commentary)
Bad news for everyone.
This album is not here to explode your pants off. This album is not one that is going to give you a hemmorage from headbanging too much. If you want hard-rocking, excellently mastered, brainkilling tracks, look no further than Tensei's STRIFE! album. It should wet your whistle for heavy metal, and possibly any other multitude of wind instruments you present to its sweaty, testosterone-laden spray.
This album is for a special group of people. The people that open the AlterniaBound flashes in one tab and then leave them on repeat, just so they can listen to Horschestra 4000 times. These are the people that complained incessantly when Eridan's theme wasn't on an album, even though it hadn't even existed in the comic yet. Some of these people have named their children after MSPA characters.
You terrible, wonderful people. This album is your fault.
Now go forth and enjoy: Not in MP3, but in WAV; not in OGG, but in FLAC. The nostalgia-rich AlterniaBound tracks you all sought so dearly have been padded out by new experiences, forged from feverish hearths by several of our greatest musical madmen in order to breathe new life into a setlist you saw long coming. The bonus tracks have been tweaked, the equalizers have been set, and the fans, the fans are stoked like the blazes these beats were born hence. Hopefully you will find the tracks carved out from these sick fires to be... sufficiently ill.
Now! Let it begin, young ones. Just keep in mind:
Once you pop, the games don't stop.
Oh, and the games.
Andrew Hussie: (MSPA news post)
As promised, another album this month.
I think I'll let the music speak for itself! It is a collaboration among numerous artists, but Radiation did most of the legwork in organizing this effort. Super cover art by SaffronScarf!
Homestuck: (Bandcamp download blurb)
Album includes 8 -- EIGHT!!!!!!!! bonus tracks AND a PDF booklet full of commentary by the musicians!
Homestuck: (Bandcamp info blurb)
Music by:
Toby "Radiation" Fox
Joren "Tensei" de Bruin
Erik "Jit" Scheele
Malcolm Brown
Thomas "EidolonOrpheus" Ferkol
David Ko
Paige "Aborted Slunk" Turner
Alexander Rosetti
Mark Hadley
Seth "Beatfox" Peelle
Nick "OMGTSN" SmalleyWith soundfonts by The_Eighth_Bit
Special vague thanks to Alexandra "Lexxy" Douglass
Cover art by SaffronScarf
Quasar Nebula: (wiki editor)
Track art for Alternia and AlterniaBound is from the Alternia/Bound track art anthology projects! Original track artworks, which were largely (though not entirely) crops of panels from the webcomic, have been left in the commentary for each track.