Of Troles and Chiptumes

Por cookiefonster
Cookiefonster's 2016 Famitracker Covers (mostly Homestuck)
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Lanzado el 20/8/2016.
Duración: ~36:08.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube (lista de reproducción).
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- Main album: (~34:33) Main album:
- (2:59) A Ghost Then a Frog Then a Robot Then a Fairy
- (2:06) Mexican But Not Really
- (2:04) The Gemoni Mustard Blood
- (2:41) The Not-Fuckass Not-Waltz
- (2:15) Everyone Forgets She Kills Animals
- (2:28) The Ascended Twilight Fangirl
- (2:50) Detective Cherry Inspector
- (2:50) Madame Controversielle
- (2:35) Yes, So Good
- (2:09) The March of the One True Juggalo
- (2:07) The Ridiculous Wwizard of Stupidity
- (1:43) The Heiress Without a Role
- (5:46) Rex Mille Geromius
- Bonus tracks: (1:35) Bonus tracks:
- (1:35) of troles and frytunes
Añadido a la wiki el 1/1/2023.
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Prototype Cover
- Album Art Prototype.png (214.2 kB)
Comentario del artista:
All songs composed with FamiTracker
cookiefonster: (album video commentary)
Okay guys, this is me, the guy named cookiefonster I guess, and I'm here recording this video—about commentary, basically, on my Cool and New Web Comic solo album called Of Troles and Chiptumes.
I'm recording this for June 12th, the anniversary of the Trolls Arc of Homestuck, and that is actually one of the worst parts of the comic, and that's a comic that has late Act 6, which is much worse than the Trolls Arc.
But I'm not gonna ramble about Homestuck now. I mean, I could, and I gladly would, because it's an interesting webcomic, even after all this time, and it's just the kind of thing you can ramble about, and even these days especially, they often forget just how good some parts of it were.
Like, Act 5 Act 2 especially was just really fun to read and everything, but... then there's the solo album I made for Cool and New Web Comic.
And that album, at one point, I was bored, and made this medley of songs for the character Sollux, I guess, and called it The Gemoni Mustard Blood, referencing some Homestuck trollfic.
And then, people actually liked that song. It was the first actual honest attempt at music I made for the Cool and New Music Team. Then, I, or someone else, had the idea of making similar songs for all the trolls in Homestuck.
And people liked that idea, and I just kept pumping them out. I made those songs at a pretty insane rate. Each of them... the 12 troll songs took me, like, a few hours to make, and I typically made two a day, and I did them in a pretty random order, and it was a lot of fun.
And I think back to this album, and, sometimes, I really cringe looking back on the dumb names I came up for songs, the dumb choices of random melodies I made, the incredibly boring drum patterns.
But, when I made this album, I was extremely proud of it, and listened to it on loop, and watched the album creation myself as it grew to this full-blossomed tribute to all the songs people made for the trolls in Homestuck.
And the remixes of them. And, I like remixing songs. Remixing is fun. And remixing four songs of a common type, like three to five songs, is really fun. It's just an experience that's so entertaining that it's something you can really pump out quickly.
And back then, I had, like, the ultimate drive to make music at insane rates. And now, I'm kind of at a loss for knowing what music I should make and taking sort of a break and sitting back down and relaxing, but at the time, I made all those chiptune troll songs, and chiptunes are a lot of fun to make.
I made them all in FamiTracker, this chiptune software, which is, like, sort of like a friend that can never fail me. It's this chiptune software that only has a limited number of channels, and some people hate it because of that. Some people think it's impossible to use, and are like, how the hell do you input notes into that software?
But FamiTracker, writing music in it, it's a really fun experience, and it makes for really good practice in music, like constrained writing or something. You remember all those 8-bit covers I have on YouTube of mostly Homestuck songs?
Yeah, I made those in FamiTracker, and it was always a challenge squeezing everything into 8 channels. I always used, like, the VRC6 thing, but I barely ever used DPCM, which is, even though DPCM channel makes drumlines easier, I don't like downloading random drum samples or—and I never bothered figuring out how to use drum samples like that.
One of the few times I did was sampling cheers in Oppa Toby Style, which I miraculously managed to do through audio subtraction and freaking Audacity. Like, audio subtraction in Audacity used to extract cheer samples from a song. Toby is a madman. Let's leave it at that.
But, yeah, every single song on this album, I think, every single song except for one has a remix of Toby Fox or Radiation's music, because he, unlike me, is really good at capturing the personalities of pretty much everything. It shows in his troll themes--like Karkat's song is just, is really grouchy but fun to listen to and catchy at the same time.
And then, he has this whole Vriska tone of music with insane guitars, and obviously it shows up in Undertale, which the characters can be pretty much summed up through their music. Like, I don't even need to say things like how, like, Sans and Papyrus's music especially is supposed to define their characters, but...
Yeah, but obviously I remixed some music that wasn't by Toby, because he only made, like, two songs for most of the trolls. One on Alternia, one on AlterniaBound, maybe three songs. And two or three songs, often I don't have the creativity to make a full song out of two or three songs, because I'd have to pull out original writing and, through the whole process of making this album, using original writing never really occurred to me in the slightest, because I'm bad at original writing. It's really hard to write melodies, and writing original compositions, I can barely ever pull it off, unless I rip off a song I like, which is a thing I really, really love to do.
Taking a good song and making something similar to it, I did things like that in the Cool and New Homestuck album, and some original melodies actually arose out of this technique of ripping off songs. And ripping off songs is also something I did for those songs based on the versions of Fighting Spirit in volume 7 and volume 8.
But the only time I really did actual, completely original writing that wasn't ripping off a song was this song on the Hecka Jef album called Muse of Nanchos, and it's a pretty crappy melody, but it's my own writing and my own composition, and I didn't steal the style of an original song, and just for that accomplishment, I'm proud of it.
But then, just back in the day, back in July, when I made my solo album, I didn't do original writing. I sort of vaguely tried it in the last song, a Cool and New Web Comic version of Rex Duodecim Angelus, or... how do you even pronounce that? You tell me how it's pronounced. I probably pronounced it wrong. I remember a guy said that I pronounced it wrong and was supposed to say it some kind of Latin way? But, yeah.
Man, I've been rambling for seven minutes or so already. Funny I've been rambling this long. The album was actually going to have a commentary booklet in the style of the Homestuck Vol. 10 booklet, and Mira, who was at the time a major artist for the Cool and New Music Team, he made the cover of the album and the art for two of the songs.
He was going to make the booklet, but I couldn't think of much to say about most of the songs for some reason. I guess at the time I didn't have much to say other than that I was super proud of every single song on this album, and it's a wonderful, perfect masterpiece. And it obviously isn't. The songs have dumb names, and some of them are pretty boring or just have no original writing.
Which is... some of the songs actually do have at least some solo sections, some cool sounding drum lines, some fancy effects, but not really that fancy. But yeah, at the time I didn't have much to say about the album, but then, when I came to realize the flaws in those songs... I have a lot to say about every single one of these songs.
These songs are like... they're like... I don't know how to say it. They're all like my little children, these songs that I made.
And the cover art, which I think you're seeing right now. I originally made a bad redraw of the Alternia album cover art, and then Mira, the person I was talking about, made a redraw of that art that actually looks more good. I don't even have the picture of my old art anymore.
But, yeah, making this album was a fun experience for me, even if it was really rushed and done at a frantic pace that is insane even by my standards, and people say I'm fast at making music. Though obviously I have nothing on certain people in the team who can punch out things like the other solo albums in this team. Cyclica was that one solo album that was made apparently in two days, all in private, and only the managers of the team knew.
And then there's the other solo albums people. I kind of accidentally started a trend with Cool and New solo albums, because the people there, they all wanted to do cool solo albums too, and only a few of them came to fruition, the solo albums.
A lot of them were just random ideas that just sort of never happened. But then I can't imagine I didn't play a part in inspiring some of the solo albums. And then many of the albums are much more polished than the thing I made. There's A Shade of Blue and Cyclica, which I talked about, both good albums.
And then Basement Tale is a weird album, but it has some gems kind of in it, and it's created by Cecily Renns, that one person who makes music at insane speeds and also does a lot of singing work. And yeah, it's pretty insane, the stuff I've inspired.
Oh yeah, there's also a later album, Median, that was made after that solo album. But am I really going to procrastinate on re-listening to those old junky songs? I guess there's no delaying it anymore.
(Continued in A Ghost Then a Frog Then a Robot Then a Fairy)
cookiefonster: (album video commentary)
(Continued from of troles and frytunes)
Anyway... this—my solo album for Cool and New Music Team is pretty unpolished and I made it quickly, but I'm glad I finished it.
Even after all this time, I might not be super proud of the songs themselves, but just the fact that I made this is levels of creativity and motivation that I might never be able to reach again. It was just so much fun to make that you don't even know...
Yeah, I mean I don't really have much else to say because I think I've covered everything. So, I guess this is the end of the video. I already saved most of—wait, I already talked about the album pretty much entirely beforehand in those first 10 minutes. So I think this is the end. Alright. See ya.