CRESCENDO - HOMESTUCK Animated Series Pilot

Released 4/13/2024.
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Tracks that CRESCENDO - HOMESTUCK Animated Series Pilot features:
- Yeah It Is by James Roach
- Teal Seer by Kera L. Jones
- A Knight's Reflection by Malcolm Brown
- Blackest Heart by Mark J. Hadley
- The King in Red by Tensei
- Rust Maid by Plumegeist
- Purple Bard by Eligecos
- Jade Sylph by Waif
- Fill 'Em With Midnight by Malcolm Brown
- Galactic Cancer by Thomas Ferkol
- Darkened Streets by Solatrus
- Clockwork Contrivance by Clark Powell
- Heat by Clark Powell
- Clockwork by Clark Powell
- Infinity Mechanism by Thomas Ferkol
- Orchid Horror by David DeCou
- Wind by Clark Powell
- Drift into the Sun by Thomas Ferkol
- Black Rose / Green Sun by Malcolm Brown
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