Endless Climb
By Buzinkai
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Cover art by Homestuck
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Released 4/13/2010.
Duration: 1:24.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
Download sheet music files.
Download MIDI/project files.
Read artist commentary.
Also released as:
Tracks that reference Endless Climb: Tracks that reference this one:
- From Official Discography: Tracks from Official Discography that reference this one:
- Clockwork Melody by Clark Powell
- Endless Climbing by Perry Sullivan
- Vertical Motion by Toby Fox
- Enlightenment by Steve Everson
- Descend by Toby Fox
- Apocryphal Antithesis by Clark Powell
- Earthsea Borealis by Toby Fox
- Derse Dreamers by Solatrus
- Rustless Fall by Gabe Stilez
- Austin, Atlantis by Clark Powell
- I - Overture by Clark Powell
- Eternity Served Cold by Malcolm Brown
- Creata by Seth Peelle
- please support The Trevor Project by James Roach
- From Fandom: Tracks from Fandom that reference this one:
- Heir-Seer-Knight-Witch by Joe Griffith
- Through the Seventh Gate ~Land of Light and Rain~ by Catboss
- Dance-Stab-Dance by Catboss
- Fighting Spirit ~Second Form~ by Kevin Grant
- The Four Thrones by Samm Neiland
- Dance of Viridian and Violet by Willow Ascenzo
- go down (Fanon Cut) by Difarem
- Do You Remember the Doctor by TirantBacon and Cecily Renns
- American Doctor by cookiefonster
- Penumbra Phantasm By Toby Fox (Featuring "Radiation") by ostrichlittledungeon
- Neverending Ascent by ft-rj
- Black Yard, Green Fun by Shwan
- The Connection by Kusoro
- Climbing Endlessly by MrCheeze
- 26x SHOWDOWN COMBO by cookiefonster
- its music mmbaby by Hadron
- Like Jimmy, Like Flash by Hadron
- Soulward Movement (Davepeta owns) by Hadron
- Endless Fall by loading
- -3x piano solo by Shwan
- Climbing Endlessly (Alpha Version) by Wheals
- Stopless Climb by Wheals
- The Endless Black (aka Clockwork Negrocity) by SplitSuns
- A rollercoast ending by Shwan
- Enter with Caliborn: Destruction Adventure by Interrobang
- 72.0x SHOWDOWN COMBO by Discfortune
- Resend by Noisemaker
- Vaccine by Kusoro
- Event Horizon / Barium Starlight by Grace Medley
- Of Orchids and Roses (Full) by Nicholas Nakano
- Reunited by Shandy
- My Lady Greensleeves by Shandy
- Atomyk Clockwyrk by Marcy Nabors
- The End of Something Really Excellent by Rhyselinn
- Ultimate Alchemy by Interrobang
- Everlasting by Joe Ouellet
- F∞ クライミング『CLIMBING』 by SplitSuns
- 8r8k the 8ottle by apatheticPianist and Pascal van den Bos
- Endless Dreamers by CALIKID
- Moment of Valiance by dbnet18
- A Farewell to Arms by Catboss
- The Light's Rebellion by Circlejourney
- Fighting Chance by Cerulean
- Play the Rain by Monobrow
- A Happy Ending by Rainy
- Land of Light and Rain by Twix Stix
- I Am Ascending (And It Is Terrible) by heir-of-puns
- 'Til Death, We Grieve by Tee-vee
- ...a single singularity of being... by Interrobang
- Furthest Ringside by Monckat
- Wayward by Shwan
- Revelations of Self Importance by Gryotharian
- The Noble Orange Bird by Swagazaki
- [04/13/09] Today is this young man's birthday. by Maukustus
- Versus Oblivion by yuuDii
- I Warned You About Stairs!!!!!!!! by Raid
- From Additional Tracks: Tracks from Additional Tracks that reference this one:
Tracks that sample Endless Climb: Tracks that sample this one:
- From Fandom: Tracks from Fandom that sample this one:
Flashes & games that feature Endless Climb: Flashes & games that feature this track:
Print or download sheet music files:
Sheet music by EuniverseCat
- Endless Climb - EuniverseCat.pdf (245 kB)
Download MIDI/project files:
MIDI by MrCheeze
- Endless Climb - MrCheeze.mid (5.3 kB)
MIDI by Twix Stix (from Sburbmon)
- Endless Climb - Twix Stix.mid (4.7 kB)
Artist commentary:
Buzinkai: (via early commentary collection)
The inspiration for this was from a not-very-well-known indie game called Tower of Heaven, which has phenomenal music. Believe it or not, the arpeggios were written first, and the main melody was written last. I tend to write songs backwards sometimes.