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てhe Deep Lament of heckacious jeferey

track cover

By Cecily Renns johnjrenns Bandcamp user-621444340 SoundCloud YouTube YouTube CecilyRenns Twitter johnjrenns Twitter CecilyRenns Patreon and Bambosh bamboshu Twitter.
Cover art by miraculousAvantgarde.
Released 10/30/2016.
Duration: 2:22.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Read artist commentary.

Tracks that てhe Deep Lament of heckacious jeferey references:


sweeet bro and hella jeff
sweeet bro and hella jeeeff
sweeet bro and hella jeffs
sweeet bro and hella jeff

sweeet bro and hella jeff
will get some stuff and do some things
with sweet bro and hella jeff
the laughs keep happening

Artist commentary:

Cecily Renns: (Composer)

Like one wise man once said: "i think i smoked a lot of crack and made this overnight"

i really dont remember what my thought process behind this was though, i made it like, three four months ago, but bambosh did some very elegic vocals, which really completes this track to its fullest potential

miraculousAvantgarde: (as Papa John's, Artist)

don't have anything to say really, I just traced Hecka Jef onto The Thinker's pose and coloured it in poorly, and added some shitty effects onto Swet Bro dying, so there's that I guess

'Write it in 200px comic sans please'

cookiefonster: (Not Korean Person?)

How do you manage to type all lowercase in Google Docs without auto correct? Do you just paste stuff you typed elsewhere or something?

Bambosh: (Vocalist)

i used a tissue as a pop filter

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)