Mirror Mirror

- EvanEvan (Desynced)
By Rainy
Mother Dearest
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~~Disc 1~~
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Cover art by dizzims.
Lullaby for a Drifter
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Released 2/7/2020.
Duration: 2:40.
Listen on Bandcamp, YouTube, or SoundCloud.
Read artist commentary.
Tracks that reference Mirror Mirror: Tracks that reference this one:
- From Fandom: Tracks that reference this one — from Fandom:
- Skanthem by Levc
- Heartbreaker by Rainy
- Egress by Rainy
- Allegro by Rainy
- Puppet Master by Levc
- Daylight Dreamers by salex_r3kt
- Twilight Dreamers by Rainy
- Tyrant by Rainy
Artist commentary:
Rainy: (YouTube / SoundCloud descriptions, excerpt)
I initially wrote this track for Volume 2 as theme for Evan's Land. At time of writing, the land has yet to be revealed so I am somewhat limited in what I can say right now. Given that I was writing a land theme, I took major inspiration from some of the Homestuck land themes (I.E Doctor, CaC, Endless Climb).In terms of the song itself, I decided to mess around with counterplay between melodic lines.This experimentation led to some interesting results melody and motif wise. I played around with that style a whole lot more in Evan's strife theme but that a discussion best saved for Volume 2's commentary...