Phantasmagoric Waltz

By Alex Rosetti
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Cover art by Dzu.
Released 6/13/2010.
Art released 4/13/2017.
Duration: 1:43.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
Read artist commentary.
Flashes & games that feature Phantasmagoric Waltz: Flashes & games that feature this track:
Artist commentary:
Alex Rosetti: (composer, Tumblr, excerpt)
This is exactly what it sounds like. I went for a whimsical, dreamy feel with this one, expressed through the ¾ meter, waltz patterns, Lydian mode, and ringing, bell-like timbres. There’s not a lot going on in this one, though I think it’s charming in a childlike way. It was the first piece I made upon my return to the music team (I was in it since the beginning, but never made anything worthwhile and left for a few months since I was starting my first year of college).
Alex Rosetti: ("extra comments in reply to a Tumblr question", via early commentary collection)
For some reason waltzes, Lydian mode, harps, and bell-like timbres seemed like the most appropriate ways to evoke dreams for me. I was inspired to make it ever since seeing Jade's dream self, and how appropriate that it was included in Dave's dream in Derse!
For those not around since the beginning of that page or who don't know the history, it was originally full of Bill Bolin tunes (a former music team member who left on very bad terms) and we had to replace them with existing material. One of the things Andrew put in there was Phantasmagoric Waltz, and now that page has the additional comedy of Dave and Rose jamming out to...a sweet, slow-paced romantic dance? I can dig it.
For the record, that's not a cell phone vibration, whatever you are hearing is there just by chance.
Dzu: (anthology artist, Tumblr, excerpt)
Here’s the piece I did for the Homestuck Volume 5 Fan Anthology! Go check the rest out if you haven’t already they’re so goddamn cool u guys
#rotate this drawing to the beat of the song for maximum effect