Caelan Kier
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¡Véase galería de arte!
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Caelan Kier ha contribuido ~1:13:22 horas de música compartido en este wiki.
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (Sorting by count.)
Fandom (20 pistas)
The Paradox Music Team (18 pistas)
Additional Tracks (1 pista)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (1 pista)
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (Sorting by duration.)
Fandom (1:10:09)
The Paradox Music Team (1:03:31)
Additional Tracks (3:13)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (2:33)
- Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes (13/4/2018; ~12:01)
- (2:59) Solicide
- (3:06) Petrichor
- (0:31) ~~Disc 3~~
- (5:25) Windswept Shale
- Alternate Hues and Melodies (12/6/2018; ~16:16)
- (3:33) D--> Break the Bow
- (5:18) False Feathers
- (7:25) Duodecim Diis Resurgemus (con Pascal van den Bos)
- Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes 2 (13/4/2019; ~16:49)
- (3:56) Celestic Aviators
- (4:14) Distortion Navigator
- (4:04) Insurrection
- (4:35) Windwielder
- BeforusBound (12/6/2019; ~6:57)
- (2:33) Phosphor Bronze
- (2:14) Lapis Arbalester
- (2:10) Character Catastrophe
- Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes 3 (13/4/2020; ~11:28)
- (0:27) ~~Disc 2~~
- (2:57) Baleishsprite
- (4:07) Cascade DX
- (3:57) Slave State
- FriendSymphony (30/11/2020; 2:33)
- (2:33) Paradox Pariah
- [S] Press Play (4/1/2021; 4:05)
- (4:05) set-course praereptŏr
- More Homestuck Fandom (3:13)
- (3:13) Mutiny - Remix
¡Véase galería de arte! O navegue la lista:
- Contributed artworks to groups:
Fandom (3 artworks)
The Paradox Music Team (3 artworks)
- Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes (13/4/2018)
- Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes 3 (13/4/2020)
- Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes
- Solicide (composer, booklet commentary)
- Petrichor (composer, booklet commentary)
- ~~Disc 3~~ (composer, booklet commentary)
- Windswept Shale (composer, booklet commentary)
- Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes 2
- Celestic Aviators (composer, booklet commentary)
- Distortion Navigator (composer, booklet commentary)
- Insurrection (composer, booklet commentary)
- Windwielder (composer, booklet commentary)
- BeforusBound
- Phosphor Bronze (composer, booklet commentary)
- Lapis Arbalester (composer, booklet commentary)
- Character Catastrophe (composer, booklet commentary)
- Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes 3
- ~~Disc 2~~ (composer, booklet commentary)
- Baleishsprite (composer, booklet commentary)
- Cascade DX (composer, booklet commentary)
- Slave State (composer, booklet commentary)
- More Homestuck Fandom
- Mutiny - Remix (YouTube description, excerpt)