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Tee-vee ha contribuido ~2:34:27 horas de música compartido en este wiki.
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de cuenta.)
Fandom (30 pistas)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (16 pistas)
Stuck at Home Con (5 pistas)
Additional Tracks (1 pista)
The Paradox Music Team (1 pista)
Deconreconstruction (1 pista)
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de duración.)
Fandom (2:25:29)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (58:05)
Stuck at Home Con (14:45)
Deconreconstruction (13:22)
Additional Tracks (8:58)
The Paradox Music Team (2:46)
- Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes 3 (13/4/2020; 2:46)
- There's No Place Like Home (15/4/2020; ~56:31)
- (4:04) Confined
- (13:11) 🎼 Fraymotif !
- (16:16) Beat Mesa Boogie
- (7:12) Rainbow Rumpus Partytown
- (6:48) 'Til Death, We Grieve
- (6:09) God Tier
- (2:51) MeGaLoVania (cover)
- FriendSymphony (30/11/2020; ~26:07)
- (0:56) >>DiscOne<<
- (2:01) today i put......... JELLY on this hot god
- (3:06) Hi everyone, Antony Fntano here, Alternia's busiest music nerd, and it's time for a review of the new Chixie Roixmr album,
- (3:45) Marvelous Marauder (arrangement, production; con Rainy)
- (3:46) we waste time JADED
- (6:01) Dumbass Terminal
- (2:56) Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- (3:36) You're the Whole Circus
- SBURBAN NEIGHBORHOOD (12/6/2021; 2:29)
- Land of Fans and Music 5 (19/12/2021; ~17:35)
- (5:17) InterNep
- (3:16) At the Threshold (guitar)
- (5:27) Death Minute in Duodecimal ~ Regicide Demonica
- (3:35) Snake Case Closin' '18
- SKAIA'S THE LIMIT (16/7/2022; 4:14)
- (4:14) RE:TCON
- Gotta Hatch 'Em All! (22/7/2023; ~4:55)
- (2:12) Conquest Coast
- (2:43) VS. Highblood Quartet
- Land of Fans and Music 5 Act 2 (16/9/2023; ~14:23)
- (7:36) The Deceased Friends And Family
- (4:14) RE:TCON (Act 2 RE:DUX)
- (2:33) Dreams of a Better Future (guitars)
- (6:48) 'Til Death, We Grieve (relanzamiento)
- Fighting Further (4/11/2023; 13:22)
- (13:22) Go Beyond And Fight Further (Ft. Tee-Vee and NezumiVA) (lead, rhythm, bass guitars; con Marcie Hobbs)
- FRAYMOTIF FIGHTERS (20/7/2024; 3:07)
- More Homestuck Fandom (8:58)
- (8:58) 🤡