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track cover

By Malcolm Brown dragonxvi SoundCloud dragonxvi Tumblr DragonXVI Twitter Harleboss Previous track by this artist Ballad of Awakening Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Homestuck Nightlife (Extended) Previous track art by this artist Hardlyquin Next track art by this artist.
Released 4/13/2010.
Duration: 0:43.

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Read artist commentary.

Also released as:

Tracks that reference Revelawesome:

From Official Discography:
From Fandom:

Tracks that sample Revelawesome:

From Fandom:

Download MIDI/project files:

Artist commentary:

Malcolm Brown: (via early commentary collection)

Another "Andrew asks for music for situation X" - In this, he wanted a dramatic reveal that was basically too epic and obviously a piss-take. The two main ones that were used for this and Hardlyquin (Both were used in the comic for more or less the same joke). The goal was to basically make something so dramatically epic and life-changing that it would just be incredibly silly. (I believe Hardlyquin ended audibly on a joke sound, while I wanted Revelawesome to be played as straight as possible).

And it was.

The music was based on some earlier work I did on an old Sonic Fangame (Completely forget which one - Think it was a boss theme) that I re-tuned for orchestra and gave it more of a buildup. The name was a play on Andrew's penchant for Portmentaeeu that-word-meaning-combining-two-words-together.

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)