Charles Neudorf
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Charles Neudorf has contributed ~26:16 minutes of music shared on this wiki.
- Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by count.)
Fandom (12 tracks)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (8 tracks)
- Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by duration.)
Fandom (26:16)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (21:02)
- Team Paradox (12/27/2011; ~5:14)
- (1:26) Distortion (Land of Light and Noise)
- (1:08) Crazed Royal
- (1:05) Ratscrew Rescue
- (1:35) Aliesh's Lullaby
- SBURB OST (11/24/2012; ~11:02)
- (2:08) A Spirited Conversation [Sprite Interaction] (with Veritas Unae)
- (1:40) Outer Reaches [Veil]
- (1:45) Broken Dreams [Prospit's Fall] (with Veritas Unae)
- (2:34) Emerald Icarus [Green Sun] (with Marcy Nabors)
- (2:55) Melody && Form && Composition [Alchemiter] (with Marcy Nabors)
- Land of Fans and Music 2 (12/25/2012; ~7:39)
- (3:57) Jackpot (with Marcy Nabors)
- (3:42) Soulb0t
- Beforus (4/12/2016; 2:21)
- (2:21) ♏ - Salv8tion